A breakthrough in Namhla Mtwa's murder.

AUTHOR:Liviwe Noheku

According to SABC News,ANC in the Eastern  cape has called police agencies to activate 72 hours action plan to arrest the abuser and mastermind behind Namhla's murder case.
Namhla was shot and killed on the 21st of April 2022 but because of the determination of her sister to find justice for her, Friday the 20th of May she posted screenshots of conversations of Namhla and her lover Major Bekezulu.On the screenshots it is clear she was being abused and she feared for her life.
This has Triggered many men and women.People took it to the socials to speak about how disappointing and evil man are.The have been mixed reactions to matter.It has also encouraged many women to speak up.
According to sources on the 25th of May Lona Linamandla Bawuti who is also a survivor of abuse will lead a March against women abuse in Mthatha.


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